Overhead press: Why it’s good for your shoulder stability

I have always found the Barbell Overhead Press to benefit my shoulders greatly, when paired with face-pulls and single arm rows I seem to get most benefit. Here is a fantastic tutorial on the Overhead press.

Sometimes benching all the time can force that pectoralis minor to tighten up, pulling your humerus out of position and causing impingements, I haven’t had this issue but I have seen clients have these issues right off the bat. Quite a few people say they use dumbbells which is also a great way to build stabilizers if the shoulder, but you just can’t get the same stimulusĀ as pressing a barbell, as more weight can be loaded.

Of course it is important to have good shoulder mechanics to start with, otherwise if your humerus is not in the right position you can just cause more pain than good. I definitely think about the rear deltoids also, which do get neglected during the press. The best way to combat this is use the behind the neck press, seated or standing and also face-pulls.

Here is a good tutorial on face-pulls as behind the neck press involves a great amount of mobility to achieve.

The Kettlebell Windmill definitely would be my choice for prehab work to prevent injury, as it is a fantastic exercise to stabilize the shoulder. Here is Steve Cotter the legend himself explaining how to do it.

I hope this has helped you understand the benefits of pressing!

Here is a link to a pressing workout I have done.

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Coach JKS

Overhead press: Why it’s good for your shoulder stability

5 Reasons why Kettlebells should be used in your training.

Short History

Kettlebells originally were used to measure grains and other goods at markets at the beginning of the 18th century, until venders began challenging each other by swinging them around. They started to notice the health and strength improvements and then they became a valuable tool. The Russian army fitness tests were rather different to the Americans push ups and pull ups test with a long run in a certain time. The Russians used 24kg Kettlebell Snatchs for max reps in a certain time to compare baseline fitness.

Fitness (Conditioning)

Kettlebells are great for cardiovascular health showing in studies to work both anaerobic and aerobic energy systems efficiently with afterburn capabilities (Oxygen Deficit)

Body Awareness

They are fantastic for learning how to brace and engage the correct muscles during your session, the use of stabilizers in the shoulder girdle (Rotator cuff) proves to be great for rehabilitation and prevention of shoulder injuries.

Primal Movement Patterns

The use of full body compound movements reflect our primal movement patterns, which helps strengthening your body for everyday tasks.

New Training Stimulus

Kettlebells offer an alternative to barbell and dumbbell equivalents so you have more to choose from when it comes to assistance exercises.

Double the results for half the time

A study led by John Porcari PhD and Chad Schnettler M.S compared kettlebell snatchs done in an interval fashion and steady state cardio on a treadmill for 20 minutes. Kettlebells showed to burn just as much as a 6 minute mile pace.

I truly recommend learning the kettlebell Snatch, Swing, Goblet Squat and Windmill to supercharge your assistance exercises and complexes.

Sample Kettlebell Complex

Disclaimer: Be careful not to go too heavy too soon as injuries can occur from poor mind-body connection.

5 repetitions of each movement start with weak side first.
– One Arm Swing
– Front Rack Squat
– Windmill
– Snatch

Once you complete both arms you should have done 10 repetitions in total.

Do 5 rounds of this for time.

“The kettlebell is an ancient russian weapon against weakness.” – Pavel

Now the most important thing is to not neglect your Barbell movements because let’s be honest the Barbell is the bringer of ultimate strength. Use the Kettlebells as a conditioning and flexibility tool at the end of your Barbell and Dumbbell training for the best programming.


Coach JKS

5 Reasons why Kettlebells should be used in your training.

Longboard accident

I learnt a pretty good lesson yesterday!

I have recently purchased a pretty awesome longboard for commute here in Victoria. It is a Landyactz Wolfshark 2011 that I scored for $150CAD through their christmas mystery package. It rides like a dream with Bears spaceballs bearings. I am by no means a light dude I am 240lbs (109ish kgs) I have got my balance back since I have taken a good 6 months off well since New Zealand.20150126_144508

There is an awesome little run at the transcanadian highway overpass that has a good angle for a bit of downhill. I had tried doing the lower half first before trying this. So yesterday I went for it and went from the top I started gathering some serious speed off the mark so I got into a good tuck but couldn’t quite center myself and my front trucks started swinging I must admit I’m still not confident in riding out speed wobbles so i decided to bail when it was safe, I tried to run it out but the law of physics don’t work that way. I took a strong hit on my right side so elbow first into ribs then right hip then knee.

Of course when you longboard you get back up and have a laugh at yourself. I had the mental courage to do the hill but my mind and body connection just wasn’t there, definitely something to work on.

I can relate this incident directly to my training in the gym usually of the big lifts (Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift). Don’t go biting off more than you can chew even of your ego convinces you that you should be able to do it. That’s why linear programs for beginners work so well because they gain confidence in the lifters ability to practise the mind body connection.I see people all the time trying a weight that is clearly too heavy for them to handle just to keep up with ol Johnny big nuts next to them in another rack. The whole reason why Johnny big nuts has a bigger squat than you is because he’s put the base in and slowly progressed over the years. We all seem to want things right now that is how society manifests these quick delights so we try to rush things along.

I think this has been an important reflection for me, back on the board today keeping my head held high and my feet steady as a rock. Don’t ever let an accident in any form in life discourage you, you should just learn from it and evolve.

Much love


Longboard accident