Does freedom equal anxiety?


I’ve always wondered about this, as lately I have been observing what people say about Meditation or floating in a float tank. People truly believe that this is a luxury for the select few, it is not, EVERY person has the right to get to know themselves, and deal with those inner demons with no judgement, fill themselves with love and compassion.

But we are so separate from our true-self. We don’t truly know our purpose here, and that perhaps the reason to be here is to just “be”.

“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul.” – Carl Jung

Distractions are things that we deal with everyday, some good and some bad, but if we spent some time in a state of contemplation, where our thoughts are not suppressed, we could start to start unlocking the illusion of being separate to this earth, and every living thing. I know some people who read this will be thinking “Dam man this is some straight up hippy bullshit!” this is where I acknowledge your path, and I show you compassion for your decision. I’m not writing this to be an authoritative figure to change you. I am just stating there is a way out of the vicious circle of the ego’s manifestations, through practicing meditation and mindfulness. Our ego is fantastic for making excuses not to do it, “I don’t have time to do this, I’ve got shit to do!”

I only seem to see other beings send hate towards other beings that have made decisions that don’t “fit” into their belief systems. If time was spent on the inner demons of that person, empathy would show that we are all dealing with the same separation from our ego and being. Fighting by protesting something does bring awareness, but does it actually help anything? Not usually, it is simply fighting fire with fire. If we had empathy for the people who are seen to do “wrong” we would understand that we all have these crazy thoughts that are purely made up and are an illusion. It is when we react to these thoughts that problems occur. Protesting is another form of ego trickery, convincing us that we are right and that our opinion is right and we know better than you. How does hate cure hate? It does not.

“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.” Carl Gustov Jung

Becoming conscious of our thoughts and emotions is absolute key to develop empathy for others. Just remember compassion and kindness is something you should practise daily, it will benefit you greatly. We all can’t escape pain, so we shouldn’t try to avoid pain, just learn to be still, calm the “thinker”.

Just be you, right here and right now.

Much love JKS

Does freedom equal anxiety?

The Psychedelic State achieved by floatation tank?!

Some people state, in the first few floats many people get very positive mental and physical benefits. These benefits can be seen here.

As I continued to tear layer upon layer, deeper and deeper into meditation in the tank, I was able to reach the feeling of ego-death, without the use of psychedelic drugs. I have indeed experimented with LSD and Mescaline, which have definitely changed my view on the world and how it works. I was able to analyze the patterns that were stunting my spiritual and physical growth, and gently letting them go with positive self-hypnosis.

Positivity flooded my head and many visual colours seemed to swirl around in many shapes and forms. At one stage I had a vision of looking at myself dissolving, a truly profound experience filled with love and compassion. This is the deepest I have ever gone in meditation and I owe it to the float tank, which prevents all distractions from the outer world.

I had some pretty powerful memories of my childhood come up which also led me to the lessons my parents have given me, it’s almost like my parents were chosen for me to learn from. I was in essence trying to shatter previous belief systems and truly dig deep to feel comfortable in my own skin. I felt an overwhelming connection to all beings, I can see the cycles and programs that people are utilizing in their mind, the majority of it is fear based.

We must learn to open our hearts and give love and compassion to all beings, because we all deserve liberation from the tricks our mind plays on us.

Much love JKS

The Psychedelic State achieved by floatation tank?!

3 Benefits of achieving anti-gravity in the flotation tank.

lsAfter much experimentation at the Floathouse Victoria, I have experienced the benefits of not having to worry about gravity for 90 minutes. Our bodies are constantly dealing with the effects of gravity, rigid postures can be made even worse by its effects.

Chronic muscular tension

Chronic Pain

Our body is consistently dealing with gravity, if we’re overweight this can get even more intense. Floating enables the body to get a “rest” from gravity, reducing stabilizing muscles used to battle gravity, we can release knots of tension in common areas such as lower back, neck and hips.

Increase blood flow


Floating allows the heart to function more efficiently, slowing heart rate and reducing blood pressure. Blood can be circulated to areas which have suffered by cardiovascular-constriction, caused by smoking and clogging of arterial walls from poor diet. Circulation flow aids in the repair of our tissues, creating a better waste management system for our bodies.

Aids in joint pain

4-Joints-Pain-shutterstock_116374378I suffer from a condition called Gout it can be crippling, floating helps keep my kidneys healthy to flush my excess Uric acid which builds in my joints. Floating helps chronic pain such as bursitis, arthritis, tendonitis and traumatic or structural pains like bruises,sprains and muscle strain.

If you’re interested in giving a float a go check out this introduction video from Floathouse Victoria.

Check out my first float experience here

book your float in Victoria here

Much love JKS

3 Benefits of achieving anti-gravity in the flotation tank.